Postdoc of Astrophysics

Niels Bohr Institute
Faculty of Science

University of Copenhagen


 “The imprint of life on exoplanetary atmospheres”.

Application deadline: 9 September 2024. Start 1 November 2024 or soon thereafter.

Centre for Exolife Sciences, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.


We open up two new postdoc positions in the field of exolife sciences, with the aim of deepening our understanding of what life is, how it interacts with the surrounding atmosphere of habitable exoplanets and how it can be remotely characterized from spectral modelling and observations. Applicants with knowledge and interest in atmospheric modelling, non-equilibrium chemistry, and basic biological processes, will be preferred.  The successful applicants will be part of the astrophysics and planetary sciences section at the Niels Bohr Institute and the research will be carried out in close collaboration with the neighbouring institute of microbiology and the cosmochemistry group at the museum of natural history, all at University of Copenhagen.

The postdoc’s duties will include research within astrophysics as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties.

Further information on the Department is linked at, and further inquiries about the position can be made to Uffe Gråe Jørgensen, email:, direct phone: (+45) 61 30 66 40.

 Start 1 of November 2024 or soon thereafter. The positions are for two years with the second year depending on funding and satisfactory progress.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Terms of employment

The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment according to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.

The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)
  • Research plan – description of current and future research plans
  • Complete publication list
  • Separate reprints of 3 particularly relevant papers

The deadline for applications is 9 September 2024, 23:59 GMT +2.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.

You can read about the recruitment process at

Interviews are expected to be held around 10 October 2024


Københavns Universitet giver sine knap 10.000 medarbejdere muligheder for at udnytte deres talent fuldt ud i et ambitiøst, uformelt miljø. Vi sikrer traditionsrige og moderne rammer om uddannelser og fri forskning på højt internationalt niveau. Vi søger svar og løsninger på fælles problemer og gør ny viden tilgængelig og nyttig for andre.


Ansøgningsfrist: 09-09-2024
Ansættelsesdato: 01-11-2024
Arbejdstid: Fuldtid
Afdeling/Sted: Niels Bohr Institutet
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